Science seeks to understand how nature behaves by observing and correlating available factual information. Our understanding of science is therefore based upon, and limited by, the factual information available. In science, fact-based explanations are called "theories." Theories may be good, bad, or indifferent. It all depends on the accuracy and amount of the factual information available, and how logically these facts are interpreted.

The natural sciences do not deal with matters involving religion, philosophy, and politics. Although evolution is incompatible with with some sectarian religious dogma, there is nothing in evolution that rules out the existence of God. Darwin's theory of natural selection has been falsely interpreted to apply to the philosophical concept of "Social Darwinism," which states that those who believe in the validity of evolution must necessarily support the politics of "might makes right."

As per the view of Competitive examinations Science and Technology is divided into 4 Categories

1)Chemistry (Click Here)          2)Physics (Click Here)            3)Biology (Click Here)