
Digestive System

Nutrition in Human beings:
 The alimentary canal is basically a long tube extending from the mouth to the anus. We can see that this tube has different part. Various regions are specialized to perform different functions.
The soft food mixed with saliva passes through oesophagus or food pipe by wave like movements called peristaltic movement to the stomach. At the stomach, food gets churned with gastric juice and HCI. Now the food is in semisolid condition. The digestion of food goes on as mo proteins are broken down into smaller molecules with the help of enzyme pepsin acting on  them.

Digestive Enzymes:

Flow chart of human digestive system
What do you think is the process of digestion?
What are its major steps?

In single celled organisms the food may be taken in by the entire surface but as the complexity of the organism increases different parts becomes specialized to perform different functions.
The large complex food molecules such as carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, etc., are broken down into simple molecules before they are absorbed and utilized by the animals. This process of breaking down of complex molecules into simple molecule is called digestion.
In human beings the food eaten is broken do in various steps with the help of enzymes secreted by digestive glands which are associated with the alimentary canal and the digested food is absorbed in small intestine to be sent to all cells in the body.
The digestive system includes the alimentary tract and several associated organs and digestive glands. The functions of system are as follows:
a) Ingestion: Taking of food into the body
b) Digestion: Breaking up of complex food substances into the simple substances by specific enzymes. So that they can be used by the body.
c) Absorption: The passage of digested food through the walls of alimentary tract (particularly in small intestine) into circulatory system
d) Defecation: The passage of undigested material from the body by the way of anus.